Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Lives of Saints rss

Stories and biographies of the Saints and Blessed.

The Message of Fatima: An Interpretation

The first and second parts of the “secret” of Fatima have already been so amply discussed in the relative literature that there is no need to deal with them again here. I would just like to recall briefly the most significant point. For one terrible moment, the children were given a vision of hell. They… Read More ›


Vatican to beatify Pope Paul VI in October

The Vatican has recognised a supposed miracle attributed to Paul VI and will beatify the late Italian Pope in October, which would leave him one step from sainthood, a Vatican source says. Paul VI reigned between 1963 and 1978 and presided over key reforms from the Second Vatican Council, as well as surviving an assassination… Read More ›


Profound spiritual life of St. John XXIII credited for Vatican II

Vatican City, Apr 25, 2014 / 04:01 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The great-nephew of Blessed John XXIII revealed the pontiff’s Church vision in calling for the Second Vatican Council, noting the great continuity between his ideas and the pontificate of John Paul II.“John XXIII does not avoid confrontation with the world of his time, although perhaps… Read More ›


St. John Paul II’s ‘Theology of the Body’ is transformative

Washington D.C., Apr 24, 2014 / 04:14 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- John Paul II’s upcoming canonization gives new impetus to his “ground-breaking” theology of the body, which has the potential to “completely transform” contemporary culture, one theology professor says.“Catholics who have been presented with the teaching in its fullness have experienced profound conversions,” said Professor Mary… Read More ›


St. George: The Great Martyr

St. George was a soldier of the Roman army who was tortured and beheaded for his Christian faith in the year 303, in Lydda (in modern day Palestine).  He was likely born in Cappadocia, of a Cappadocian father and a Palestinian mother of noble rank. At the death of his father (possibly martyrdom) he moved… Read More ›


St. Scholastica

CNA: On Feb. 10, the Catholic Church remembers St. Scholastica, a nun who was the twin sister of St. Benedict, the “father of monasticism” in Western Europe. The siblings were born around 480 to a Roman noble family in Nursia, Italy. Scholastica seems to have devoted herself to God from her earliest youth, as the… Read More ›


Pius XII Saw “Miracle of the Sun”

ROME, NOV. 4, 2008 (Zenit.org).- According to his own testimony, the Pope who declared the dogma of the Assumption saw the “miracle of the sun” four times. This information is confirmed by a handwritten, unpublished note from Pope Pius XII, which is part of the “Pius XII: The Man and the Pontificate” display. The display… Read More ›


A different story about St. Nicholas

The true story of Santa Claus begins with Nicholas, who was born during the third century in the village of Patara. At the time the area was Greek and is now on the southern coast of Turkey. His wealthy parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still… Read More ›


Rosary Miracles: Blessed Bartolo Longo Converts from Satanic Influence

Bartolo Longo was born in 1841 to a devout Catholic family. When Bartolo grew up he decided to study law. Naples at that time was undergoing a tremendous spiritual crisis. Paganism and Satanism of all sorts were abounding. Bartolo was not immune to these influences and became a satanic priest, much to the chagrin of… Read More ›


We must ‘undress’ ourselves of worldliness like St. Francis

Assisi, Italy, Oct 4, 2013 / 04:41 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Pope Francis said that Christians should follow the example of the great saint by stripping themselves of a spirit of worldliness. “All of us must undress ourselves from this worldliness: the spirit contrary to the spirit of… Read More ›
