Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

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Instruction on the Rule by noteworthy modern day monastics or oblates

St. Benedict for Beginners – The Fourth Step to Humility

‘The fourth step of humility is that, when in the very act of obeying one meets with trials and even abuse… a man should neither grow faint nor run away.’ Benedict’s rule is manly. He is training soldiers for Christ and he doesn’t tolerate deserters. Humility is the heart of being Christ-like and we need… Read More ›


Only the man who has had to face despair. . .

Only the man who has had to face despair is really convinced that he needs mercy. Those who do not want mercy never seek it. It is better to find God on the threshold of despair than to risk our lives in a complacency that has never felt the need of forgiveness. A life that… Read More ›


St. Benedict for Beginners – The Third Step to Humility

‘The third step of humility is that for the love of God a man should be obedient to his superior in all things.’ Obedience? What a sign of scandal in an individualistic age! The whole self revolts against the idea of obedience. Or if we even entertain the idea of obedience we think we should… Read More ›


The Most Holy Rosary

Because the Immaculate Virgin was chosen to be the Mother of God, cooperating with him in the work of man’s salvation, she has a favor and power with her Son greater than any human or angelic creature … it is her greatest pleasure to grant help and comfort to those who seek her. The month of… Read More ›


The Secret of the Spiritual Life: Humility

The secret of the spiritual life, and the whole secret of the heights of mysticism, is in humility. Saint Benedict knew it. There was no need for him to write a treatise on the mystical life. Rather, he wrote his rule to regulate the life of the monastery in order to lead monks to humility…. Read More ›


Excluding God only brings about war

It is only the infinite mercy and love of God that has prevented us from tearing ourselves to pieces and destroying His entire creation long ago. People seem to think that it is in some way a proof that no merciful God exists, if we have so many wars. On the contrary, consider how in… Read More ›


St. Benedict for Beginners – The Second Step to Humility

‘The second step of humility is that a man should not love his own will nor take pleasure in carrying out his own desires.’ St Benedict cuts right to the heart of the matter in his instruction on the development of humility. Are you able, right from the moment of waking to begin serving others?… Read More ›


St. Benedict for Beginners – The First Step to Humility

‘The first step of humility is for a man to set the fear of God always before his eyes.’ We live today with a Jesus who is our friend and a God who is more of a congenial uncle than a true Father. It is not a bad thing to balance these sentimental images of… Read More ›


St. Benedict for Beginners – ‘…what will profit us forever’

‘We must do now what will profit us forever.’ The past is a memory and the future is a fear. The only reality is this present moment. Therefore it is in only in this moment that we can enjoy reality. But if the past is a memory and the future is a fear, it is… Read More ›


St. Benedict for Beginners – ‘In a Flood of Words…’

‘In a flood of words you will not avoid sin.’ The Trappists are the Benedictine monks who are most famous for their silence. The stricter orders still have an elaborate system of hand signs for communication. Saint Benedict recommends silence not because conversation is sinful in itself, but because it is often superficial. Notice that… Read More ›
