Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Instruction rss

Instruction on the Rule by noteworthy modern day monastics or oblates


The real violence exerted by propaganda is this: by means of apparent truth and apparent reason, it induces us to surrender our freedom and self-possession. It predetermines us to certain conclusions, and does so in such a way that we imagine that we are fully free in reaching them by our own judgment and our… Read More ›


Technology and it’s threat to Society

If technology really represented the rule of reason, there would be much less to regret about our present situation.  Actually, technology represents the rule of quantity, not the rule of reason (quality=value=relation of means to authentic human ends).  It is by means of technology that man the person, the subject of qualified and perfectible freedom, becomes quantified,… Read More ›


Discover your own inner ground

The way to find the real ‘world’ is not merely to measure and observe what is outside us, but to discover our own inner ground. For that is where the world is, first of all: in my deepest self. This ‘ground,’ this ‘world’ where I am mysteriously present at once to my own self and… Read More ›


Earthly desires are shadows

The earthly desires men cherish are shadows. There is no true happiness in fulfilling them. Why, then, do we continue to pursue joys without substance? Because the pursuit itself has become our only substitute for joy. Unable to rest in anything we achieve, we determine to forget our discontent in a ceaseless quest for new… Read More ›


True solitude

True solitude is found in humility, which is infinitely rich. False solitude is the refuge of pride, and it is infinitely poor. The poverty of false solitude comes from an illusion which pretends, by adorning itself in things it can never possess, to distinguish one individual self from the mass of other men. True solitude… Read More ›


Everything depends on the quality of our acts

Our being is not to be enriched merely by activity and experience as such. Everything depends on the quality of our acts and our experiences. A multitude of badly performed actions and of experiences only half-lived exhausts and depletes our being. By doing things badly we make ourselves less real. This growing unreality cannot help… Read More ›


A Chance to Choose

In our being there is a primordial yes that is not our own; it is not at our own disposal; it is not accessible to our inspection and understanding; we do not even fully experience it as real (except in rare and unique circumstances). And we have to admit that for most people this primordial… Read More ›


We must dare to be saints by the power of God

Easter is the mystery of our redemption. We who have died and risen with Christ are no longer sinners. Sin is dead in us. The Law has no further hold on us. And yet this is not as simple as it sounds. Our new life in Christ is not a permanent and guaranteed possession, handed over… Read More ›


Thou hast mercy upon all, O Lord

There is confidence everywhere in Ash Wednesday, yet that does not mean unmixed and untroubled security. The confidence of the Christian is always a confidence in spite of darkness and risk, in the presence of peril, with every evidence of possible disaster. Let us emend for the better in those things in which we have… Read More ›


The mask that each man wears . . .

[The] self is not by nature evil, and the fact that it is unsubstantial is not to be imputed to it as some kind of crime. It is afflicted with metaphysical poverty: but all that is poor deserves mercy. So too our outward self: as long as it does not isolate itself in a lie,… Read More ›
