Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Work of God rss

Articles related to the first work of God: Prayer. These include both the public prayer of the Church, private prayers, and methods of praying.

Psalm 22(21): “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

In the Catechesis today I would like to apply myself to a Psalm with strong Christological implications which continually surface in accounts of Jesus’ passion, with its twofold dimension of humiliation and glory, of death and life. It is Psalm 22 according to the Hebrew tradition and Psalm 21 according to the Graeco-Latin tradition, a… Read More ›


Six Great Mysteries of the Bible

The Old Testament answers some of the greatest questions of all time—where did we come from? Why do we desire the good yet do evil? Why do our souls yearn for eternity while our bodies yield to death and decay? Yet, the Hebrew Scriptures leave so many other tantalizing questions unanswered. These mysteries have nagged… Read More ›


Psalm 21(20): For the king trusts in the Lord!

1. At the heart of Psalm 21[20], the Liturgy of Vespers has left out the part we have just heard and omitted another section with an imprecatory tone (cf. vv. 9-13). The remaining preserved part speaks in the past and in the present of the favours God has granted the king, while the omitted part… Read More ›


Psalm 20(19): Grant victory, O Lord!

1. The final invocation: “Give victory to the king, O Lord, give answer on the day we call” (Ps 20[19]: 10), reveals to us the origin of Psalm 20[19] that we have just heard and upon which we will now meditate. We are looking, therefore, at a royal Psalm of ancient Israel that was proclaimed during a… Read More ›


Psalm 4: An evening prayer of confidence in God

Note: Most of the commentaries of the psalms of the Psalter that are being posted to the site were taken from the talks of Blessed John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. The commentaries were specifically concerned with the psalms used in Lauds (Morning Prayer) and Vespers (Evening Prayer) in the Psalter used under the… Read More ›


Psalm 16(15): My Happiness lies in you alone

1. After hearing it and making it a prayer, we have the opportunity to meditate on a Psalm that is charged with strong spiritual tension. Despite the difficulties the original Hebrew text presents, especially in the first verses, Psalm 16[15] is a luminous canticle with a mystical dimension, as the profession of faith at the… Read More ›


Psalm 8: O Lord, Our Lord

1. In meditating on Psalm 8, a wonderful hymn of praise, we come to the end of our long journey through the Psalms and Canticles that make up the prayerful heart of the Liturgy of Lauds. In these catecheses, we have reflected on 84 biblical prayers whose spiritual intensity we have especially tried to emphasize, without overlooking… Read More ›


Psalm 15(14): To dwell on ‘your holy mountain’

1. Psalm 15[14] that is presented for our reflection is often classified by biblical scholars as part of an “entrance” liturgy. Like several other compositions in the Psaltery (cf., for example, Psalms 23; 25; 94), it prompts us to imagine a sort of procession of the faithful jostling to pass through the door of the… Read More ›


Psalm 11: A prayer to trust the Lord

1. We continue our reflection on the Psalms, which comprise the essential element of the Liturgy of Vespers. We have just made ring out in our hearts Psalm 11[10], a brief prayer of trust that, in the original Hebrew, is studded with the holy name ‘Adonaj, the Lord. This name echoes at the beginning (cf. v. 1), is found… Read More ›


Psalm 8: How Great Is Your Name through all the earth

1. “Man …, at the heart of this enterprise, is revealed to us as gigantic. He seems to be divine, not in himself, but in his beginning and his end. Honour, therefore, to man, honour to his dignity, to his spirit, to his life”. With these words, in July 1969, Paul VI entrusted to the American… Read More ›
