Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Work of God rss

Articles related to the first work of God: Prayer. These include both the public prayer of the Church, private prayers, and methods of praying.

Feast of Divine Mercy

O day of eternity, O day so long desired, With thirst and longing, my eyes search you out. Soon love will tear the veil asunder, And you will be my salvation. O day most beautiful, moment incomparable, When for the first time I shall see my God, The Bridegroom of my soul and Lord of… Read More ›


Psalm 118 (117): “The stone rejected … has become cornerstone’

1. When a Christian, in unison with the voice of prayer in Israel, sings Psalm 117{118}, that we just heard, he feels within him a special thrill. In fact, he finds in this liturgical hymn two phrases that echo with a new meaning in the NT. The first is verse 22, “The stone rejected by… Read More ›


Psalm 113 (112): Praise the name of the Lord

1. We have just heard, in its simplicity and beauty, Psalm 113[112], a true introduction into a small group of Psalms that go from 113[112] to 118[117], commonly known as the “Egyptian Hallel”. It is the Alleluia, or song of praise, that exalts the liberation from Pharaoh’s slavery and the joy of Israel to serve… Read More ›


Psalm 111(110): To fear the Lord

1. Today we feel a strong wind. The wind in Sacred Scripture is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. We hope that the Holy Spirit will illumine us now in our meditation on Psalm 111[110] that we have just heard. In this Psalm we find a hymn of praise and thanksgiving for the many benefits… Read More ›


Psalm 110(109): The Lord bestows divine power and priesthood on the king

We Are Invited to Look to Christ in Order to Understand the Meaning of True Royalty Today I would like to end my catechesis on the prayer of the Book of Psalms by meditating on one of the most famous of the “royal Psalms”, a Psalm that Jesus himself cited and that the New Testament… Read More ›


A Prayer of AIM for Monastic Life

O loving God, We ask your blessing, on all monastic men and women, especially those who live and work in the most destitute parts of the world. Help us to become people of prayer and peace. May we be visible signs that strangers can live together in God’s love. Give us hearts wide enough to… Read More ›


A Lenten Prayer

O God, love, who have created me, recreate me in your love. O Love, who have redeemed me,whatever I have neglected of your love, amend for yourself and redeem in me. O God, love, who with the blood of your Christ have ransomed me for yourself, sanctify me in your truth. O God, love, who… Read More ›


Psalm 93(92): God is our strength in the storms of life

1. The essential content of Psalm 92 [93] on which we are reflecting today is evocatively expressed by some verses of the Hymn in the Liturgy of the Hours for Vespers of Monday:  “O, immense Creator who, in the harmony of the cosmos laid out a path and a limit for the pounding waves of… Read More ›


Asking for His Mercy

Through the passion and death of Jesus, an infinite ocean of mercy was made available for all of us. But God, who created us free, will not force anything on us, not even His mercy. He must wait for us to turn from our sinfulness and ask: “Ask and it will be given to you… Read More ›


Prayer to be Freed of the Seven Deadly Sins

This is one of the most popular posts on the site. It is repeated for this Lenten period O Jesus, meek Savior and Prince of Peace, implant in me the virtues of gentleness and patience. Let me curb the fury of anger and restrain all resentment and impatience so as to overcome evil with good,… Read More ›
