Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: Benedict XVI

Moses, a model of intercessory prayer

Vatican City, Jun 1, 2011 / 10:45 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Benedict XVI said at the June 1 general audience that intercessory prayer helps us to grow in deeper knowledge of God and his mercy and makes us more capable of loving others in a self-sacrificial way. Drawing upon the life of Moses, the Pope… Read More ›


Pope: with St. Benedict, Christ in first place

To live no longer for ourselves but for Christ: this is what gives full meaning to the life of those who let themselves be conquered by him. This is clearly demonstrated by the human and spiritual life of St Benedict who, having abandoned all things, set out to follow Jesus Christ faithfully. Embodying the Gospel… Read More ›


Prayer can spark God’s mercy

Vatican City, May 18, 2011 / 10:30 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Benedict XVI continued his series of reflections on Christian prayer today as he spoke about the relationship between intercessory prayer and God’s mercy throughout history. In his third installment on prayer, Pope Benedict looked at Abraham’s example of praying for mercy. “We now turn… Read More ›


Vatican newspaper launches new website

CNS: VATICAN CITY — Marking the beginning of the seventh year of the papacy of Pope Benedict XVI, the Vatican newspaper launched a new website. The site, initially available only in Italian and English, debuted last evening as this morning’s issue of the newspaper rolled off the presses. Today is the anniversary of Pope Benedict’s… Read More ›


Vatican seeks greater interaction with bloggers in first-ever meeting

Vatican City, Apr 8, 2011 / 01:15 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- The Vatican is inviting Internet bloggers to Rome next month for an unprecedented meeting to foster “informal exchange and contact.” The May 2 event aims to take advantage of the influx of international bloggers coming to Rome for the beatification of Pope John Paul II… Read More ›


Pope’s new book debuts on NY Times Bestseller list

New York City, N.Y., Mar 24, 2011 / 07:28 pm (CNA).- Pope Benedict XVI’s second volume on the life of Jesus Christ debuted in the number 10 slot on the March 27 New York Times Bestseller List in the hardcover nonfiction category. “Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week” discusses the last week of Jesus’ earthly life,… Read More ›


Pope Benedict urges wholehearted conversion

Vatican City, Mar 10, 2011 / 07:26 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- All are called by God to return to him with their “whole heart,” said Pope Benedict XVI at a special celebration for Ash Wednesday. The Pope led a procession across Rome’s Aventine Hill for the first day of Lent. The celebration of the liturgy began… Read More ›


Build your life on Christ

Vatican City, Mar 6, 2011 / 11:29 am (CNA/EWTN News).- On Christ, and not on the “sands of power, success and money,” does man find the true place to build his life, said Pope Benedict XVI at the Sunday Angelus. From his studio window high above St. Peter’s Square, Pope Benedict spoke about the Sunday… Read More ›


Christians distinguished by ‘absolute trust’ in God the Father

“He who believes in God … puts the search for his kingdom and his will in the first position,” commented the pontiff, calling this attitude “precisely the opposite of fatalism.” “Faith in providence, in fact, does not dispense one of the difficult struggle for a decent life, but liberates from the anxiety for things and… Read More ›


Pope to Catholics online: It’s not just about hits

(AP) – January 24, 2011 VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Benedict XVI told Catholic bloggers and Facebook and YouTube users Monday to be respectful of others when spreading the Gospel online and not to see their ultimate goal as getting as many online hits as possible. Echoing concerns in the U.S. about the need to… Read More ›
