Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict says his guardian angel allowed accident to teach him humility

Les Combes, Italy, Jul 29, 2009 / 01:18 pm (CNA).- Pope Benedict XVI said today that his guardian angel did not prevent him from fracturing his wrist earlier this month. He suggested his angel was “certainly following superior orders” in order to use the accident to teach him humility and to provide him with more… Read More ›


The Lord knocks at the door of the human heart

We meet the Archangel Gabriel especially in the precious account of the annunciation to Mary of the Incarnation of God, as Luke tells it to us (1: 26-38). Gabriel is the messenger of God’s Incarnation. He knocks at Mary’s door and, through him, God himself asks Mary for her “yes” to the proposal to become… Read More ›


God’s brightness shines on every individual

. . . we now look at the figures of the three Archangels whose Feast the Church is celebrating today. First of all there is Michael. We find him in Sacred Scripture above all in the Book of Daniel, in the Letter of the Apostle St Jude Thaddeus and in the Book of Revelation. Two… Read More ›


Benedict XVI urges intense prayer for Catholic-Orthodox talks

Vatican City, Sep 22, 2010 / 09:52 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The Pope called the faithful to a greater commitment to Christian unity during Wednesday’s audience. The “peace and harmony” of Christians, he said, shows the world an “authentic” witness to the Gospel message. At the end of Wednesday morning’s audience in St. Peter’s Square, Pope… Read More ›


All Christians, including the Pope, are called to prayer

Carpineto Romano, Italy, Sep 5, 2010 / 05:14 am (CNA).- “Without prayer … we can do nothing,” said the Pope while commemorating the legacy of Leo XIII. Joining in the “Leonine Year” celebrations, Benedict XVI remembered his predecessor’s faith, devotion and social teaching, saying that all people, including Popes, are called to pray and to… Read More ›


Stabat Mater

The Virgin Mary, who believed in the word of the Lord, did not lose her faith in God when she saw her Son rejected, abused and crucified. Rather she remained beside Jesus, suffering and praying, until the end. And she saw the radiant dawn of His Resurrection. Let us learn from her to witness to… Read More ›


Vatican council calls planned Koran burning ceremony ‘outrageous’

Vatican City, Sep 8, 2010 / 10:29 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Although the charismatic Christian church planning a Koran burning on Sept. 11 only has around 50 members, the spectre of the impact on Muslim relations led the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue to issue a statement today expressing its “great concern” over the plan… Read More ›


Summer is a time refocus ourselves on the Word of God

Castel Gandolfo, Italy, Jul 18, 2010 / 08:48 am (CNA).- Before Sunday’s Angelus prayer from the intimate courtyard of his summer residence at Castel Gandolfo, Pope Benedict XVI spoke of the need to listen to the Word of God. As Mary does in Sunday’s Gospel, we must learn to choose the “best portion” in our… Read More ›


Pew Forum contrasts secular, religious media coverage of abuse scandal

Washington D.C., Jun 12, 2010 / 05:06 pm (CNA).- A new study published on Friday by the Pew Forum contrasts the differences in media coverage of the clerical sex abuse scandal in the Catholic Church by secular and religious news outlets. Among the significant finds of the report are the fact that the Holy Father… Read More ›


Modern men and women have ‘profound longing’ for Jesus

Vatican City, Jun 1, 2010 / 12:44 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- At a traditional procession in the Vatican gardens marking the end of May, the Holy Father addressed the thousands of faithful who gathered to pray the Rosary. The Pope encouraged the faithful, saying, modern “men and women have a profound longing” for Jesus, even if… Read More ›
