Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI announces his retirement

Vatican City, Feb 11, 2013 / 04:28 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Benedict XVI announced today that he will resign from his duties as Pope on February 28th, 2013. The full text of the Pope’s announcement follows. Please revist this page for more details. A press conference will be held in minutes at the Vatican press… Read More ›


A trusting abandonment to Christ

. . .God has revealed that his love for man, for each one of us, is boundless: on the Cross, Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God made man, shows us in the clearest possible way how far this love reaches, even to the gift of himself, even to the supreme sacrifice. With the mystery… Read More ›


Ladder of Divine Ascent – Lenten Reading Schedule

The Ladder (from which St John received the ‘nickname” Klimakos – “ladder” in Greek) was written in response to another Abbot’s advice on promoting health spirituality in his monastery. St John’s reply proved such a thorough and clear exposition that it has become de rigueur Lenten reading in Eastern Christians monasteries all over the world. As St John’s writings are also… Read More ›


John Climacus: “The Ladder”

John Climacus, who lived approximately between 575 and 650, became famous with his treatise on the spiritual life, called the “Ladder to Perfection.” . . . can the Ladder, a work written by a hermit monk who lived 1,400 years ago, say something to us today? Can the existential journey of a man who lived his entire… Read More ›


Abraham: Our Father in Faith

… Faith leads Abraham to tread a paradoxical path. He will be blessed, but without the visible signs of blessing: he receives the promise to become a great nation, but with a life marked by the barrenness of his wife Sarah; he is brought to a new homeland but he will have to live there as… Read More ›


Abraham and Mary, models of Faith

Vatican City, Dec 19, 2012 / 10:12 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Benedict XVI continued his series of reflections on faith this Wednesday, saying that at times it includes an element of darkness. “We encounter moments where God seems absent, his silence weighs on our hearts and his will doesn’t correspond to our own as we… Read More ›


Pope focuses on best way to use social media

Vatican City, Jan 24, 2013 / 11:53 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Benedict XVI has asked people to use social networking sites “responsibly” and “with respect,” given the growing number of people who are becoming internet dependent. “These spaces, when engaged in a wise and balanced way, help to foster forms of dialogue and debate which,… Read More ›


Pope Benedict will make Twitter debut with @pontifex

Vatican City, Dec 3, 2012 / 10:13 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The Pope’s Twitter account will be @pontifex and will start on Dec. 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Vatican representatives announced. The news of the 85-year-old tweeting came out weeks ago, but officials finally revealed the account’s name and that it will be… Read More ›


Celebration of First Vespers of Advent

With this evening liturgy, we begin the itinerary of a new liturgical year, entering into the first of its seasons: Advent. In the biblical reading that we have just heard, taken from the First Letter to the Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul uses precisely this word: “coming”, which in Greek is parusia andadventus in Latin (1… Read More ›


‘Practical atheism’ more destructive than disbelief

Vatican City, Nov 14, 2012 / 10:45 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The practical atheism of those who say they are Christian but live as if God does not exist is a greater threat than actual atheism, Pope Benedict XVI said as he presented three ways for people to more fully discover God. While actual atheists often… Read More ›
