Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: Benedict XVI

Secularism in America: Growing American movement raises concerns

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Arianne Gasser of Canton, Ohio, is proud to call herself a graduate student at a prestigious Catholic university, and she also is proud to call herself an atheist. The pride she has in her atheist status is part of what inspired her to travel from the Philadelphia area, where she is enrolled… Read More ›


Psalm 112(111): Open-handed, he gives to the poor

1. After yesterday’s celebration of the Solemnity of all the saints of Heaven, we remember today all of the faithful departed. The liturgy invites us to pray for all our loved ones who have passed away, turning our thoughts to the mystery of death, an inheritance common to all men and women. Enlightened by faith,… Read More ›


Psalm 113 (112): Praise the name of the Lord

1. We have just heard, in its simplicity and beauty, Psalm 113[112], a true introduction into a small group of Psalms that go from 113[112] to 118[117], commonly known as the “Egyptian Hallel”. It is the Alleluia, or song of praise, that exalts the liberation from Pharaoh’s slavery and the joy of Israel to serve… Read More ›


Noisy world is enemy of prayer

Vatican City, Mar 7, 2012 / 11:15 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The constant noise that accompanies modern life is an enemy of God’s word being heard in prayer, Pope Benedict XVI said. “Interior and exterior silence are necessary in order to hear that Word,” and yet, “our age does not, in fact, favor reflection and contemplation,”… Read More ›


God’s Word: New exhibit shows Bible’s evolution, beauty, perseverance

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Desecration, censorship, the ravages of time and even nesting mice have been unable to destroy the word of God, handed down for millennia by people of faith. The endurance of sacred Scripture is the centerpiece of a new interfaith exhibit called Verbum Domini, which brings… Read More ›


Psalm 111(110): To fear the Lord

1. Today we feel a strong wind. The wind in Sacred Scripture is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. We hope that the Holy Spirit will illumine us now in our meditation on Psalm 111[110] that we have just heard. In this Psalm we find a hymn of praise and thanksgiving for the many benefits… Read More ›


Psalm 110(109): The Lord bestows divine power and priesthood on the king

We Are Invited to Look to Christ in Order to Understand the Meaning of True Royalty Today I would like to end my catechesis on the prayer of the Book of Psalms by meditating on one of the most famous of the “royal Psalms”, a Psalm that Jesus himself cited and that the New Testament… Read More ›


Stay close to Jesus to conquer temptation

Vatican City, Feb 26, 2012 / 07:56 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Christ’s 40 days in the desert teach Christians that temptations can be overcome in life if we stay close to Jesus, Pope Benedict XVI said Feb. 26. “Man is never wholly free from the temptation… but with patience and true humility we become stronger than… Read More ›


Suggested Reading for Lent

“On the days of Lent, from morning until the end of the third hour let them apply themselves to their reading, and from then until the end of the tenth hour let them do the work assigned them. And in these days of Lent they shall each receive a book from the library, which they… Read More ›


Pope urges trust in God’s loving providence in dark times

Vatican City, Feb 1, 2012 / 03:55 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Christians should trust in the loving providence of God, even when going through dark periods in life, Pope Benedict XVI said in his Feb. 1 general audience. “In prayer we must be able to bring before God our fatigue, the suffering of certain situations and… Read More ›
