Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: Casey

Spirit of Reverence shapes Lectio Divina

Five ways in which the spirit of reverence shapes lectio divina: Reverence propels us toward silence, and silence enables us to listen. Reverence will cause us to surround our reading with safeguards to its seriousness. Reverence for God’s Word means respect for the text of the Bible. . . . It points to a zeal… Read More ›


Update from Tarrawarra Abbey

For those of you interested, this is an update on the Australian brush fires that almost destroyed Tarrawarra Abbey. ABC News did a fairly extensive piece where one of the Brothers is interviewed. The video shows the seriousness of the fires and the extent of the damage. For those who missed the last post, Abbot… Read More ›


Fires Brush Tarrawarra Abbey, Australia

Most of us are aware of the severe brush fires that have been sweeping Australia. Apparently,  Tarrawarra Abbey was not spared. While the monastery itself is still standing, it’s farmland has been devastated and a large amount of livestock has been destroyed. If you follow the link to the Abbey’s website you will be able… Read More ›
