Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: Lent

Five Ways to Pray Always: Part 5, Walking With Jesus

[click here to view part four of this seven part series] Walking With Jesus We are accustomed to saying, “I’m going to take a walk”–a phrase which points to a kind of possessive, “I’m in control” attitude. Perhaps it’s because we usually view walking in terms of going somewhere, accomplishing something, getting from here to… Read More ›


Five Ways to Pray Always: Part 4, Breathing the Breath of God

[click here to view part three of this seven part series] Breathing the Breath of God One of the post-Resurrection accounts in John’s Gospel says that Jesus extended his peace to the disciples and then breathed on them saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” It is the very same breath of God that the Creator breathed… Read More ›


On the Observance of Lent: Divine relationship

[Return to part four] As we look at Lent as individuals and as community, it as a time for renewal in lectio. It is a time for opening ourselves in a renewed and special way to letting the Lord open up our lives in relationship with him through lectio. We allow his word be heard… Read More ›


On the Observance of Lent: Lectio during Lent

[return to part three] In chapter forty-eight, Benedict sets forth an observance which is still prevalent in our order. He is talking in that chapter of the daily manual labor but he goes on to say: During the days of Lent, they should be free in the morning to read until the third hour, after… Read More ›


On the Observance of Lent: Purity of heart.

[Return to part two] Lent is a time of coming to purity of heart. It is the pure of heart who see God. It is a challenge. But I think the community should support us in this by certain signs, symbols, and actions. The older monks may remember how dramatic Lent was. We put up… Read More ›


On the Observance of Lent: Observances during Lent

[Return to part one] Benedict speaks of monks undertaking particular observances to mark Lent for themselves. What is the purpose? It is that we have this joy of spiritual longing. That Lent is really a time of freeing ourselves and opening ourselves more and more to the fullness of Easter. We can answer these questions… Read More ›


On the Observance of Lent: Lent in the Rule

The burial of “alleluia.” Saint Benedict touches on Lent again and again in the Rule, especially when he is talking about the Divine Office. There is that one chapter about the times of saying alleluia. From the holy feast of Easter until Pentecost, “alleluia” is always said with both the psalms and the responsorials. Every… Read More ›


Five Ways to Pray Always: Part 3, Seeing Through God’s Eyes

[click here to view part two of this seven part series] Seeing Through God’s Eyes The essence of contemplation is seeing all of creation through God’s eyes. We’ve all had contemplative experiences, but perhaps we didn’t know it was contemplation. Watching the slow, multicolored sunset with simple, childlike awe to the point where we simply… Read More ›


Five Ways to Pray Always: Part 2, Contemplation

[click here to view part one of this seven part series] Today’s Challenge: Contemplation Those of us who live our Christian lives out “in the world” have to fashion a spirituality that fits our way of life without looking for a fast-food cop-out. Maybe we will choose to pray the rosary on the way to… Read More ›


Lent: Fast From; Feast On

Fast from judging others; feast on the Christ dwelling in them. Fast from emphasis on differences; feast on the unity of life. Fast from apparent darkness; feast on the reality of light. Fast from thoughts of illness; feast on the healing power of God. Fast from words that pollute; feast on phrases that purify. Fast… Read More ›
