Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: mercy

The Secret of Forgiveness

The question is, What should we forgive and how do we do it? An ancient monastic story gives a flash of an answer, so subtle, so swift that its meaning is easy to miss. A young woman, the story goes, who is heavy with child and terrified of being executed for dishonoring the family name,… Read More ›


No one excluded from Jesus’ mercy

Vatican City, Oct 31, 2010 / 11:57 am (CNA/EWTN News).- God “sees a soul to save” in everyone, the Pope said before praying the Angelus on Sunday. The Lord’s mercy, he taught, takes nothing away from the gravity of sins, but always seeks to save the sinner. Pilgrims enjoyed a break from a morning of… Read More ›


How Should We Pray

They asked Abba Macarius, “How should we pray?” And the old man replied, “There is no need to speak much in prayer; often stretch out your hands and say, “Lord, as you will and as you know, have mercy on me.” But if there is war in your soul, add, “Help me!” and because he… Read More ›


The Judge

There are different types of judgment.  The one most often thought of, is when someone stands before an actual magistrate with some kind of sentence being handed out.  This is a form of justice and in the United States, one is considered innocent until proven guilty.  It is not actually about truth, but about swaying… Read More ›


Perchance it is my Christ

While there was a crowd of refugees in the city, one of the strangers, noticing John’s remarkable sympathy, determined to test the blessed man.  So he put on old clothes and approached him as he was on his way to visit the sick in the hospitals (for he did this two or three times a… Read More ›


Hope is a Slippery Thing

Holy Saturday is a day nobody talks about much in the liturgical year. There are no public ceremonies, no particular liturgies to interrupt the sense of waiting and vacuity that mark the day. For the most part, we are simply left on our own on Holy Saturday. And yet every human being who has ever… Read More ›


Enter the Way of Mercy and Truth

The first step for the wretched person extricating himself from the depths of vice is the mercy which makes him merciful to the son of his mother, to be merciful to his soul, and thereby pleasing to God. In this way he emulates the great work of divine pity, being moved to tears with him… Read More ›
