Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: mercy

Justice, Prayer and Mercy

A devotion that I personally feel an attraction towards is the mercy chaplet. I tend to use it often throughout the day to keep my mind focused, in an attitude of prayer. It keeps me aware, alert, and of course in the Eternals presence. It is said on rosary beads, for it is a round… Read More ›


Breathe again

The soul weighed down with pain from the past, tortured with desire to punish and hurt, becoming a victim, yes once again, giving power to the evil done, while the inner chains become heavier as the years fly by, poisoning life, until forgiveness given, bringing forth ones true humanity once again, to child like wonder… Read More ›


Pope Francis Proclaims Holy Year of Mercy

(Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Saturday afternoon proceeded with the presentation of the official Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, set to begin December 8. The bull is the fundamental document for the Holy Year that outlines the overall spirit and intentions for the Jubilee, as well as the spiritual fruits that… Read More ›


Commentary for the Second Sunday of Easter

Gospel Summary The first thing that we notice in today’s gospel is the amazing effect of that the presence and words of Jesus have on his confused and frightened disciples. He finds them in hiding, completely immobilized by the terrible realization of the death of their beloved leader. He addresses them cheerfully with the standard… Read More ›


The Delusions Which the Devil Suggests to Sinners

Let us imagine a young man who has fallen into grievous sins, which he has already confessed, and who is restored to the friendship of God. The devil again tempts him to relapse; the young man resists for a while, but in consequence of the delusions suggested by the enemy, he begins to vacillate. “Tell… Read More ›


Tuesday of Holy Week

There is an inner coldness, A deep emptiness that comes upon me this time of the year, Perhaps it is the radiating darkness From the occupied tomb of Holy Saturday, An ending known, The ending of us all A tomb waiting after our own passion, Ending in the bleakness of death. Beyond that day of… Read More ›


Our real enemy is within our own castle

Often in the course of the liturgical year the Church complains, in our behalf, that we are pressed down under the burden of our own human activity. That seems strange! To be free to do things in our own way would appear, at first sight, to be “the liberty of the sons of God.” But… Read More ›


There is no injustice in God

Why does God make certain men sheep and not others, since there is no partiality in him? This is the question which certain people pose with more curiosity than mental capacity, and the blessed Apostle answers, Who are you, a man, to answer back to God? Does the clay pot say to its maker: Why… Read More ›


Mercy beyond all telling

Upon the cross as he hung in pain, between two thieves, one who mocked the other more humble, his body racked with pain unimaginable, betrayed by his apostles, who like cowards fled. One betraying, another denying, the others hidden in fear, something really not so hard to understand, for the heart of man is divided,… Read More ›


Satan uses fear of death as ‘door of entry’

(On) Feast of the Presentation there was an excerpt from the Letter to the Hebrews which describes our most basic and primal fear. The Hebrews text both names it and describes it as being the very source of our bondage: The Fear of Death But I am not convinced that many of us understand the… Read More ›
