Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: pilgrimage


Tears and anguish follow us all in one form or another, also joy, love and pleasure, grace our days, friendship and betrayal in the plays of our lives, a dark forming force deeply felt, each playing one role and then the other, mask changed, yet in the end when it is all said and done,… Read More ›


Apparition of St. Michael

The history of the former feast of the Apparition of St. Michael is very remarkable. In the year 404, a wealthy man had a large herd of cattle grazing on Monte Gargano in Italy, not far from the once famous city of Siponto. One day a steer went astray from the herd and did not… Read More ›


Oblate plans pilgrimage to eastern European monasteries

Entirely by the grace of God, I have been planning a 14-week pilgrimage into eastern Europe this spring and summer. The overall intent is to allow the Holy Spirit to draw me closer to Him and to immerse myself in some of that peace and joy He so abundantly promises us. In addition to spending… Read More ›



Lack of sleep, overwork, or simple dissipation of energy in frivolous pursuits, and of course ill health, can be only some of the influences on our inner life that can lead to ‘restlessness’. I think the term “Waiting for the Lord”, deals with this very common experience for human beings, as they continue their journey… Read More ›


The Wheel

There can be deep personal experiences that can be existentially transforming, the world shifts, a new depth is reached…..then things settle and a period of dryness sets in, and the search continues.  No permanent state is allowed, or final resting place, just a taste of what could be, or perhaps what is, but the long… Read More ›



If life in fact is really a pilgrimage, well what does that mean?  It certainly does not mean that we will have it easy.   However, how we respond to reality is important and has deep spiritual significance…. For in fact what makes us more self aware seems to come about when we suffer.  I wish… Read More ›


Beneath the Sands

The human heart is deep, lost in a desert where its deepest longings are lost beneath the sands.  Days spent in silent pain, surrounded by others on the same path; yet not a word is said.  Love the key that is sought and often not found….or something less that only makes the wounds deeper and… Read More ›


We are on pilgrimage with the Lord to the heights.

The question of how man can attain the heights, becoming completely himself and completely like God, has always engaged mankind. It was passionately disputed by the Platonic philosophers of the third and fourth centuries. For them, the central issue was finding the means of purification which could free man from the heavy load weighing him… Read More ›


Pilgrimage is Necessary

Our task now is to learn that if we can voyage to the ends of the earth and find ourselves in the aborigine who most differs from ourselves, we will have made a fruitful pilgrimage. That is why pilgrimage is necessary, in some shape or other. Mere sitting at home and meditating on the divine… Read More ›
