Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: prayer

The Litany of Humility

The litany of humility, for private devotions, is a moving prayer that can bring us closer to Christ. Do you worry constantly about what others think of you? Do you feel empty or frustrated if you’re not the center of attention? The litany of humility asks for our Lord’s assistance in humbly following in His… Read More ›


Silence and the Word

Stillness is intimately related to speech and the word. The word is a thing of mystery, so volatile that it van­ishes almost on the lip, yet so powerful that it decides fates and determines the meaning of existence. A frail structure shaped by fleeting sound, it yet contains the eternal: truth. Words come from within,… Read More ›


How to Discern: a Guide by St. Alphonsus de Liguori

If we are truly going to discern by focusing on the Lord, whether it be what our vocation is in life or whether or not we should go on that weekend trip, there are some practical measures we can take so that His will in our lives remains clear. Our friend the great Italian 18th… Read More ›


Our bond with those in Purgatory

Vatican City ( AsiaNews) – There is ” a deep and indissoluble bond between those who are still pilgrims in this world”,”the souls in purgatory and those who are already in Heaven .” A “shared union” that should propel us to seek God’s help and that of our brothers in times of “insecurity, loss and… Read More ›


What binds you?

Years ago, as I mention at our retreats, back around 1993, I was asked by the monks at the Trappist Monastery in Gethsemane Farms, Kentucky, to stay over on a Saturday night, a wonderful experience in that prayerful, peaceful place where — for decades — there was the vow of silence (no longer). In fact,… Read More ›


Bowl of Marbles (part 2)

My mind still races, though I am better at slowing it down as I age, perhaps that is what . . . writing is all about, to slow down thoughts and yes my tapes, many of them compulsive and tormenting, if I take the wrong attitude towards them. Some days, when I am tired, or… Read More ›


Psalm 27(26):7-14: Confidence in God in times of tribulation

1. The Liturgy of Vespers has divided Psalm 27[26] into two parts, following the text’s structure which is similar to a diptych. We have just proclaimed the second part of this hymn of trust that is raised to the Lord on the dark day of the assault of evil. Verses 7 to 14 of the Psalm open… Read More ›


Act of Consecration to St. Michael the Archangel

Oh most Noble Prince of the Angelic Hierarchies valorous warrior of Almighty God, and zealous lover of His glory, terror of the rebellious angels, and love and delight of all the just ones, my beloved Archangel Saint Michael, desiring to be numbered among thy devoted servants, I, today offer and consecrate myself to thee, and… Read More ›


Prayer is affection

Prayer is the affection of a person who clings to God, a certain familiar and devout conversation, a state in which the enlightened mind enjoys God as long as it is permitted. ‘Pray without interruption and give thanks at all times’. This prayer is a certain unchanging goodness of the mind and of the well-ordered… Read More ›


Pope Francis carries forward papal commitment to peace

Vatican City, Sep 7, 2013 / 06:35 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In calling for a day of fasting and prayer for peace on Sept. 7, Pope Francis is following a long tradition of Popes showing a deep commitment to peace. There is “an evolution of the theology of peace” from the pontificate of Pope Pius IX… Read More ›
