Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: prayer

Pope Francis announces global prayer vigil for peace on Sept. 7

Vatican City, Sep 1, 2013 / 07:55 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Departing from his typical reflections on the Sunday gospel, Pope Francis used his Angelus audience today to call for peace throughout the world, particularly in conflict-ridden Syria. “I appeal strongly for peace, an appeal which arises from the deep within me,” he said to the… Read More ›



Some habits are easy to come by and then can become compulsions draining the one chained to them of freedom and unable to have a real life.  Other habits lead to deeper inner freedoms which have a positive affect on life.  Study for instance can be a good habit that will benefit the one who… Read More ›


God has forgiven you

It was said of a certain Abba Apollo of Scetis, that he had been a shepherd and was very uncouth. He had seen a pregnant woman in the field one day and being urged by the devil, he had said, ‘I should like to see how the child lies in her womb.’ So he ripped… Read More ›


Night time ‘Terror’: Viewers find remedy with the Bible and the simple name of Jesus

For many years we [Michael Brown] have been reporting on night-time phenomena such as those who wake up precisely at three o’clock a.m. or about the vulnerability of sleep-time hours, when the active mind — the alert part of consciousness — is in a quiescent or perhaps even wandering state. It is an “in-between” time,… Read More ›


Say a Little Prayer For The Rich

Last week, we attended a conference for the 1%. ‘Everybody thinks the rich have such easy lives,’ said a psychologist and family therapist. ‘But you wouldn’t want the lives that a lot of 1% have. They’re often so cut off from meaning in their lives… from the warmth of normal relationships… and from the psychological rewards… Read More ›


Psalm 3: “Arise, O Lord! Deliver me, O my God!”

Today we are resuming the Audiences in St Peter’s Square and the “school of prayer” which we attend together during these Wednesday Catecheses. I would like to begin by meditating on several Psalms, which, as I said last June, constitute the “prayer book” par excellence. The first Psalm I shall consider is a Psalm of lamentation… Read More ›


Prayer without Ceasing: O God, Come to my assistance

. . . this was delivered to us by a few of those who were left of the oldest fathers, so it is only divulged by us to a very few and to those who are really keen. And so for keeping up continual recollection of God this pious formula is to be ever set… Read More ›


Real Men Say the Rosary

CNA. On May 13, 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared for the first time to three shepherd children in Fatima, Portugal. She shone radiantly before those whom the world initially took no notice – as the Mother of God tends to do – during a year that also saw the rise of Soviet communism and… Read More ›


Pope targets worldly Church as biggest threat

Vatican City, Apr 30, 2013 / 06:50 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The “greatest danger” for the Church is if it becomes worldly, since this prevents her from communicating the message of the Cross, Pope Francis said. “When the Church becomes worldly, when she has the spirit of the world within herself … it is a weak… Read More ›


Prayer of St. William of Thierry

O good Creator! How well you created me! How gloriously you fashioned me! How blessed a place you appointed for my dwelling! You created me, Lord, for the good works you had prepared for me to walk in, as the Apostle says. You fashioned me in your own image and likeness, and set me in… Read More ›
