Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: prayer

Angels? Angels! Do they exist?

Of course. But like all phenomena, we must be cautious. Also, open. Back in 2007 one man named Scott from Rockford, Michigan told a site devoted to the miraculous, “I was reading your web site, and wanted to share this photo of a angel with my son [left]. “This picture was taken the afternoon before my son… Read More ›


Let Jesus pray

It is a risky thing to pray, and the danger is that our very prayers get between God and us. The great thing in prayer is not to pray, but to go directly to God. If saying your prayers is an obstacle to prayer, cut it out. Let Jesus pray. Thank God Jesus is praying…. Read More ›


Real love is stronger than death

The Apostles could not watch one hour with their suffering Lord. Their spirit was good, but their flesh was weak. For this reason He seemed to condone their failure to keep Him company. How like to them we often are! We find it so hard to keep our minds on our few brief prayers, to… Read More ›


Have you got any saints here?

The story is told of Blessed Basil that, making a visitation of  his monasteries, he said to one of the hegemons, “Have you got any saints here?”  The Abba said, “Through your prayers, my lord, we all desire to be saints.”  And again, Blessed Basil said to him, “No, I mean have you got any saints here?”  And… Read More ›


Worldwide Novena for the Election of the Next Holy Father

As the conclave for the next Holy Father soon approaches, it is the joyful responsibility of every Catholic to pray for the election process, to ensure the choice of the best possible successor to Pope Benedict XVI. We must be on guard against all complacency which concludes, “The Holy Spirit elects the pope.  I don’t need to pray for… Read More ›


Tarcisio Cardinal Bertone Asks Contemplatives for Prayer

Vatican City, 25 February 2013 (VIS) – Cardinal Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., sent a letter to the monasteries devoted to contemplative life around the world, invitign them to intensify their prayers at this special moment in the life of the Church. Following is the entire text of the message that is dated 21… Read More ›


Washington’s “Earnest Prayer”

. . . I now make it my earnest prayer that God would have you, and the State over which you preside, in his holy protection, that he would incline the hearts of the Citizens to cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to Government, to entertain a brotherly affection and love for one another, for… Read More ›


Lent Is Special Time to Cleanse and Protect Against Spirits

Though society and even the Church (can) often turn a blind eye to the workings of spirits, the fact is that they exist and the fact is also that — among their repertoire — is what might be called “spiritual transference”: spiritual energies can be transmitted through people, communication, and things, including at a distance…. Read More ›


On Prayer

Prayer changes at every moment in proportion to the degree of purity in the soul and in accordance with the extent to which the soul is moved either by outside influence or of itself. Certainly the same kind of prayers cannot be uttered continuously by any one person. A lively person prays one way. A… Read More ›


George Washington’s Prayer

O eternal and everlasting God, I presume to present myself this morning before thy Divine majesty, beseeching thee to accept of my humble and hearty thanks, that it hath pleased thy great goodness to keep and preserve me the night past from all the dangers poor mortals are subject to, and has given me sweet… Read More ›
