Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: prayer

Prayer for Advent

Lord, I entreat, be pleased to rescue me, for I am weak, for I was stolen away out of my homeland and, being innocent, was cast here into this pit.  No, not entirely innocent, yet innocent enough in comparison with the one who led me astray. I was taken in by a life, Lord. Let… Read More ›


Psalter is ideal source of Christian prayer

1. In the Apostolic Letter Novo millennio ineunte I expressed the hope that the Church would become more and more distinguished in the “art of prayer”, learning it ever anew from the lips of the Divine Master (cf. n. 32). This effort must be expressed above all in the liturgy, the source and summit of… Read More ›


Evergreens and The Advent Wreath

The Advent wreath is an increasingly popular symbol of the beginning of the Church year in many churches as well as homes. It is a circular evergreen wreath (real or artificial) with five candles, four around the wreath and one in the center. Since the wreath is symbolic and a vehicle to tell the Christmas… Read More ›


George Washington and the First Thanksgiving

Most Americans know that George Washington issued the first Thanksgiving Day proclamation, but I wonder how many have read it. Perhaps this Thanksgiving we should not only read but pray it and submit ourselves and our Nation to the God of our fathers, both Abraham and Washington. [New York, 3 October 1789] By the President… Read More ›


Thomas Merton: A Prayer

… Grant us prudence in proportion to our power, Wisdom in proportion to our science, Humaneness in proportion to our wealth and might. And bless our earnest will to help all races and peoples to travel, in friendship with us, Along the road to justice, liberty and lasting peace: But grant us above all to… Read More ›



There are as many ways to pray as there are people.  While it is true that we are very much alike, yet, the life that we each have within is unique.  One reason that communication is so difficult is because ‘words’ have to be interrupted, so misunderstandings are easy, common and oftentimes painful.  Many as… Read More ›


Personal Prayer Cells

The cell is above all the place where the monk encounters God. It is a physical space, yet a space ‘in accordance with the image of one’s inward nature.’… The primary tools of the cell are solitude, silence, listening, and the Spirit.(Keller, Oasis of Wisdom, p. 51) The spiritual life, however, is not limited solely… Read More ›


Prayers for Veterans

Prayer for Deceased Veterans O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find rest, look kindly on your departed veterans who gave their lives in the service of their country. Grant that through the passion, death, and resurrection of your Son they may share in the joy of your heavenly kingdom and rejoice in you… Read More ›


Have before you the Image of Christ

The soul at prayer should have before her a sacred image of the God-man, in his birth or infancy or as he was teaching, or dying, or rising, or ascending. Whatever form it takes this image must bind the soul with the love of virtue and expel carnal vices, eliminate temptations and quiet desires. Bernard… Read More ›


When Evil Comes Winging Toward You, Step Back into Cave of Your ‘Secret Tabernacle’

When an arrow is shot your way, first, step back. Shield yourself in the shadows. Hide in your “secret tabernacle.” If it is evil, it will come and then leave. If it is good, it will remain. Evil stays mainly when we step into its path and engage with it. A priest made this observation… Read More ›
