Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: prayer

Conquered by Christ

Italicus, a citizen of Gaza and a Christian, was training horses for the chariot races against the duumvir (co-mayor), a worshiper of the idol Marnas… Chariots ran seven times around the circus and victory went to that side which succeeded in breaking down the horses of their opponent. Now, as Italicus’ rival had a magician… Read More ›


Christians distinguished by ‘absolute trust’ in God the Father

“He who believes in God … puts the search for his kingdom and his will in the first position,” commented the pontiff, calling this attitude “precisely the opposite of fatalism.” “Faith in providence, in fact, does not dispense one of the difficult struggle for a decent life, but liberates from the anxiety for things and… Read More ›


The friends of Christ

It is good…to pray always and not to lose heart, as the Lord says, And again the Apostle says, ‘Pray without ceasing’, (Lord Jesus Christ Have Mercy On Me) that is by night and by day and at every hour, and not only when coming into the church, and not bothering at other times. But… Read More ›


The Faith of George Washington

. . . we now have a remarkable ability to uncover what earlier scholars were unable to access. And when we let Washington’s own words and deeds speak for his faith we get quite a different perspective than that of most recent modern historians. Washington referred to himself frequently using the words “ardent,” “fervent,” “pious,”… Read More ›


Prayer requires both the right time and the right place

Anyone who wishes to pray must choose not only the right place but also the right time. A time of leisure is best and most convenient, the deep silence when others are asleep is particularly suitable, for prayer will then be freer and purer. ‘Arise at the first watch of the night, and pour out… Read More ›


Jesus is a physcian that heals

Ah! from how great bitterness of soul have you often delivered me, O Good Jesus, coming to me!… How often has prayer taken me on the brink of despair, and restored me to the state of soul of one exulting in joy and confident forgiveness. Those who are afflicted in this way, behold they know… Read More ›


John Cassian on Prayer

John Cassian was born about 360 in Dobrogea , located in the Danube delta in what is modern Romania. Somewhat atypically for an Eastern Christian, his native language was Latin. He entered a Bethlehem monastery in his early twenties but spent many years as a visitor among the desert fathers in Egypt. He next shows… Read More ›


Prayer should be short and pure (RB 20:4)

Wherefore we ought to pray often but briefly, lest if we are long about it our crafty foe may succeed in implanting something in our heart. For that is the true sacrifice, as “the sacrifice of God is a broken spirit.” This is the salutary offering, these are pure drink offerings, that is the “sacrifice… Read More ›


Solitude of the Mind and Spirit

Christ the Lord is a spirit before your face, and he demands solitude of the spirit more than of the body, although physical withdrawal can be of benefit when the opportunity offers, especially in time of prayer. To do this is to follow the advice and example of the bridegroom, shut the door and then… Read More ›


Pray with closed doors

Before all things however we ought most carefully to observe the Evangelic precept, which tells us to enter into our chamber and shut the door and pray to our Father, which may be fulfilled by us as follows: We pray within our chamber, when removing our hearts inwardly from the din of all thoughts and… Read More ›
