Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: prayer

Have full and sure confidence in God

He bids us then have a full and undoubting confidence of the answer only in those things which are not for our own advantage or for temporal comforts, but are in conformity to the Lord’s will. And we are also taught to put this into our prayers by the Lord’s Prayer, where we say “Thy… Read More ›


Prayer for Those Who Live Alone

I live alone, dear Lord, stay by my side, In all my daily needs be my guide. Grant me good health, for that I pray, To carry on my work from day to day. Keep pure my mind, my thoughts, my every deed, Let me be kind and unselfish in my neighbor’s need. Spare me… Read More ›



The human heart is deep; filled with longings and desires than can not be fulfilled.  Or if they are, or seem to be, it is soon discovered that fulfillment is also an illusion.  There is always something more to be attained or sought after.  Relationships seem to be one of the main sources of suffering… Read More ›


To What Purpose do you Pray?

When the blessed Eulogius saw an angel distributing gifts to the monks who toiled at all-night vigils, to one he gave a gold piece with the image of Our Lord Jesus Christ, to another a silver piece with a cross, to another a copper piece, to another a bronze piece, and to another nothing. The… Read More ›


Thoughts have power

The test of life – one of the tests – is how we deal with thoughts: what enters our minds. Here is a real resolution. Which thoughts do we hold onto? Which thoughts do we choose to keep? Are we inclined to anger, dislike, or lust? It is in the interior discourse that sin begins… Read More ›


General Notes for Those on the Prayer Line

We strive to keep confidentiality.  Please do not add friends or forward prayer requests outside the Prayer Line network. Please use 1stprayers@bellsouth.net for prayer requests. Keep the Prayer Line in your daily prayers. Your prayers are needed. When requesting prayers for the deceased, please included both first and last names. Frequently we receive requests via… Read More ›


In Christmas messages, Holy Land’s Catholic leaders call for peace on earth

Jerusalem, Israel, Dec 22, 2010 / 04:01 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- In their annual Christmas messages, two Catholic leaders in the cradle of Christianity urged prayer and action to bring about lasting peace in the troubled region of the Holy Land. Catholic Patriarch Fouad Twal of Jerusalem of the Latins and Custodian of the Holy Land… Read More ›


The Revised Grail Psalms: A Liturgical Psalter

Foreword by Francis Cardinal George, OMI Introduction by Abbot Gregory J. Polan, OSB “This new translation of the Psalter by the Benedictine Monks of Conception Abbey will provide the text for our sung prayer for years to come. It is a labor of love on their part and a gift to be cherished by us.”… Read More ›


We must cast out fear

Now one of the things we must cast out first of all is fear. Fear narrows the little entrance of our heart. It shrinks up our capacity to love. It freezes up our power to give ourselves. If we were terrified of God as an inexorable judge, we would not confidently await His mercy, or… Read More ›


The Secret of Forgiveness

The question is, What should we forgive and how do we do it? An ancient monastic story gives a flash of an answer, so subtle, so swift that its meaning is easy to miss. A young woman, the story goes, who is heavy with child and terrified of being executed for dishonoring the family name,… Read More ›
