Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: reality

A Chance to Choose

In our being there is a primordial yes that is not our own; it is not at our own disposal; it is not accessible to our inspection and understanding; we do not even fully experience it as real (except in rare and unique circumstances). And we have to admit that for most people this primordial… Read More ›



Solitude is experienced differently than simply being alone, or feeling lonely, or of course isolation, which is I suppose the opposite of solitude. The ability to be alone before God, to simply be in the Eternals presence has to be grown into, a slow movement into the depths of the mystery of existence. Boredom often… Read More ›


A bowl of marbles: Journaling (part 1)

Sometimes when I set down to write, it is more as act of faith than anything, for there are mornings when I have no idea what I am going to journal about. I don’t think it is writer’s block, which is obvious that is something I don’t have; it’s just there is so much churning… Read More ›


Brain laundered or washed or dry-cleaned

People within anyone group will see themselves differently than those who are looking in from outside.  The closer knit the assembly, the more in agreement they are with one another, the greater the criticism that can be thrown at them.  In a secular culture, religious groups will be an easy target and the majority can… Read More ›


The man who lives in division

The man who lives in division is not a person but only an “individual.” I have what you have not. I am what you are not. I have taken what you have failed to take and I have seized what you could never get. Therefore you suffer and I am happy, you are despised and… Read More ›


Emotional Pornography

Sex sells.  Marketing in our culture is almost exclusively based on sex.  We have known this for years, and although we think we are stronger than corporate marketing strategies, we (men) still fall easy prey to GoDaddy super bowl ads and Victoria’s Secret ceiling-high mall pinups.  When I say “easy prey,” I don’t mean we all… Read More ›


The Man in the Mirror

When a man constantly looks and looks at himself in the mirror of his own acts, his spiritual double vision splits him into two people. And if he strains his eyes hard enough, he forgets which one is real. In fact, reality is no longer found either in himself or in his shadow. The substance… Read More ›


Common to the point of blandness

I was reading yesterday, a book written by a Priest about the NDE experience and the Christian path.  I won’t go into the book, but as I was reading it, the reality of my being in the latter part of my life was very strong.  It does not matter that I ‘may’ have thirty years… Read More ›


That first step

Corners can be a good place to be, yet mostly not. Backed into slowly over the years, with elbows hitting opposite walls, tight, a self created prison, with only one way out, yet often not seen. Looking out from one’s narrow perch, with no place to turn, unless one just wants to show their back;… Read More ›


What we truly believe?

I had lunch with a friend yesterday and he was talking about taking a trip, something he has discussed with me quite a few times. He is a few months older than me, he is 64 years old. I brought up the fact that, perhaps too bluntly, that he was running out of time, and… Read More ›
