Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: St. Anthony Messenger

Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (Christmas)

During the first two centuries after Christ’s death, Christmas was not cele­brated. In 245 AD, when a group of scholars attempted to pinpoint the ex­act date of Christ’s birth, a Church council denounced the endeavour, de­claring that it would be wrong to celebrate the birth of Christ “as though He were a King Pharaoh”. In… Read More ›


O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: The Origin and the Music

Every traveler has had the experience while still far from home on a cold night. Along the road, we pass a home where light streams forth. A party must be going on, for cars surround the house and people fill it. We feel a certain pang in passing, because we long especially at that time… Read More ›


Why Pray for the Dead?

Q: A Christian friend of mine says that the Bible contains no references to purgatory. What is the basis for the Catholic Church’s teaching about this? Why do Catholics pray for the dead? A: In 2 Maccabees 12:38-46, Judas Maccabee orders that sacrifices be offered in the Temple in Jerusalem for slain Jewish soldiers who… Read More ›


Witches, Ghosts and Magic: What Catholics Believe

by Page Zyromski (St. Anthony Messenger) Matt called one of those psychic hotline numbers advertised on television. His parents didn’t find out until they saw the whopping charge on their phone bill. I asked Matt why he did it and he says he was just curious. He’s still delivering pizzas to pay off his debt…. Read More ›


The St. Patrick You Never Knew

(Originally published by St. Anthony Messenger, March, 1997) Some 1,500 years ago a teenage boy from what is now Great Britain was kidnapped and enslaved by marauders from a neighboring country. Not since Paris absconded with Helen of Troy has a kidnapping so changed the course of history. The invading marauders came from fifth-century Ireland…. Read More ›


Trinity: Model for Our Relationships

The following is an extract from an article written by Sr. Karen Berry, O.S.F. and was originally published in The St. Anthony Messenger, June, 2002 When Jesus knew his death was near, he promised to send the Spirit to be with his disciples. After his resurrection he said, “I am with you always until the… Read More ›
