Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: TV

How important is TV?

I have watched TV twice in my life. I am frankly not terribly interested in TV anyway. Certainly I do not pretend that by simply refusing to keep up with the latest news I am therefore unaffected by what goes on, or free of it all. Certainly events happen and they affect me as they… Read More ›


Are You Loving Your Servitude Yet?

Aside from the political commentary, the following quotation is worth pondering on how we use, or are used, by technology.  How do we send out spare time? How do we use our time on a daily basis? Is it really that important that we are right on top of the breaking news that we carry… Read More ›


The Problem with Commercial TV and Monastic Life

TV favors a mentality in which certain things no longer matter particularly: skills like the ability to enjoy a complex argument, for instance, or to perceive nuances, or to keep in mind large amounts of significant information, or to remember today what someone said last month, or to consider strong and carefully argued opin­ions in… Read More ›
