Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Tag: Video

De Profundis

Out of my soul’s depths to thee my cries have sounded; Let thine ears my plaints receive, on just fear grounded. Lord, should’st thou weigh our faults, who’ not confounded? But with grace thou censur’st thine when they have erred, Therefore shall thy blessed name be loved and feared. E’en to thy throne my thoughts… Read More ›


My Soul Proclaims the Greatness of the Lord


Lectio Divina and Prayer


Cardinal George warns Obama against moving U.S. towards despotism

Washington D.C., Mar 17, 2009 / 02:34 pm (CNA).- Cardinal Francis George has issued a video message asking Catholics to tell the Obama Administration to retain a conscience protection rule for pro-life health care workers. Its preservation is vital to keep the government from “moving our country from democracy to despotism,” he said. The U.S…. Read More ›


Gregorian Chant , et lux in tenebris…


Just Gregorian Chant and Nice Nature Footage


On Benedictine Life

An interview with a Cistercian (Benedictine) monk in Scotland about his life in the monastery. More importantly to Oblates, this interview offers an excellent explanation of Benedictine life, much of which is applicable to those of us who do not live in the monastery.


Skellig Michael

Benedictines have a tendency to emphasize the Desert Fathers and the Egyptian desert communities that sprung up in response to the Christian desire to come closer to Christ. But it was not just in Eygpt and the Middle East but also in Europe. There are many “deserts” and in Ireland the early monks also went… Read More ›


Interview with God

The Interview With God Poem Perhaps you have seen it, perhaps not. But this video is worth watching at least once. The video follows below the poem. I dreamed I had an interview with God. “So you would like to interview me?” God asked. “If you have the time” I said. God smiled. “My time… Read More ›


Being a Benedictine Oblate: Part 2

The following video is part two of a two part video produced by St. Meinrad Abbey. It is an excellent presentation of Oblate life as told by the Oblates themselves. Click here to view part one.
