Oblate Program at Belmont Abbey, NC

Beneath the Sands

The human heart is deep, lost in a desert where its deepest longings are lost beneath the sands.  Days spent in silent pain, surrounded by others on the same path; yet not a word is said.  Love the key that is sought and often not found….or something less that only makes the wounds deeper and the pain greater….not living water at all but filled with salt, increasing thirst.

Finite hearts made for the infinite, our pilgrimage a search for what truly heals the deep pain of a hungry and thirsty heart.  In silence alone can this treasure be found, it whispers our name calling us inward to the embrace of that which cannot be seen, felt or understood.  Yes the treasure that is without price yet freely given to all who seek and those who knock.

Br. Mark Dohle
Holy Spirit Monastery


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